You could say a lot has happened since I last blogged. Christina is no longer on a liquid only diet, though milk will be her primary source of nutrition for many more months. Let me take you through her exciting journey of the last few weeks:
Brown Rice Cereal - April 20
She does not love cereal, which surprises me. Dominic loved it from day one. We have done it almost daily since April 20, but still make tiny servings because she rarely finishes and just isn't very interested. I think we need to try oatmeal instead of brown rice. I think it may taste a lot better.
Sweet Potatoes - May 5
I was very pleased that she seemed to love sweet potatoes the first time she had them. (The cereal experience had me worried that she would resist solids). She grabbed the spoon a lot and always opened her mouth when offered a bite. She finished two blobs of them - we are very scientific around here. They tell you to give babies the same food for about a week when first introduced, so you can identify the source of any allergic reactions. So she had sweet potatoes daily for awhile, and her excitement for them seemed to diminish a bit with each serving.
Look how bored she looks. No doubt she assumes it's more brown rice. |
She was grabbing the spoon before the first bite. I wonder if she could smell or see that it was something new. |
Butternut Squash - May 11
Finally it was time to try something new so I made butternut squash. The orange veggies are just so easy to make and they puree well. I think we'll be buying baby food jars for the green veggies. I learned my lesson with Dominic when I made my own pea puree. I slowly strained the skins out and had very little to show for my work when all was said and done.
So anyway, she did ok with the squash today. She definitely showed less enthusiasm compared to day one of sweet potato.
Squash mustache. |
I don't know how to explain what this reminds me of. |
In other news, I thought I'd give you a two year update on
Gardenias. They are blooming more than I've seen in the almost-six years in this house. As a wise woman once said, "Eat your heart out, HOA!"
Our weather has been amazing. I wish it could stay like this all summer. |
I also wanted to show you a picture of Dominic being potty trained last weekend. We didn't make a whole lot of progress. We only trained a few hours each on Sat and Sun.