Let's see, what happened since the last time I blogged?
On November 1, Christina turned 2-years-old! Hard to believe. The day of her birth was such a perfect day in every way. Her birthday fell on a Saturday this year, so we had some friends and family come over in the afternoon (technically only Andy was family, but many of our friends are honorary family by now). I made "hello kitty cat" cupcakes and Christy cried when we lit the candle. She was ok after Marcos helped her blow it out and she realized the cupcake was still for eating. Here are some pictures of her opening her gift from us in the morning, followed by just a few from the party.
Dominic had a really hard time not ripping open all her presents. He couldn't stand how un-rushed she was. |
Her jaw dropped! They are so easy to shock/impress at this age! |
Minnie Mouse purse set. |
Cupcake on fire. |
After she calmed down. |
Can Dada have a bite? |
OK. |
Playing with a new tea set from my parents. |
On November 2, we had family pictures taken. We were really happy with them, and these are just some of my favorites:
Don't worry, I'm not going to provide a daily update. Let's skip to mid-November when we had a visit from the Chayrez's.
Cutie-patootie! |
Smothered with love. |
Tea party! |
Here's one random shot of Dominic and Christy playing in her crib:
The next major event was Marcos and I going on a cruise with 9 of our Morales/Arazoza family members while the kids spent a week with my parents in San Diego. Major thanks to my Mom and Dad for agreeing to this and to Tony and Judi for planning the cruise!
People seeking tips in Cozumel. |
Key West |
Imitating the statue behind us. |
We took a tour on one of these. |
Mile 0 on Route 1. |
Cuba in the distance. |
Next, in early December I got the camera out because Christy's teacher gave her piggy tails and she looked so.... grown up?

Today was the Christmas recital for the kids' daycare. Christy's class sang jingle bells. I took a video but it's REALLY shaky because I was in the back trying to stand on a partially folded table and I still had to hold the camera above my head. Parents can be pretty inconsiderate in terms of standing up in the front to see better, not caring about all the people behind them. Anyway, Christy shook her little bells but didn't open her mouth once to sing. She was on par with the other kids in her class. Dominic's class sang Frosty the Snowman and Marcos stood along the side wall to try to film him. His video was shaky, though much better than mine. Dominic and his classmates did a great job! Almost all of them were singing and doing the hand motions. I have not uploaded the video to YouTube yet, but here are some pictures of Dominic and Christy before we left our house:
Christy refusing to look. |
Dominic making her look. |
And now we're busily getting ready for Christmas, just 12 days away! We have some major shopping, baking, and menu planning to do. We have Ita and Tony arriving 12/24 to spend the holiday with us. Thanks to my use-or-lose leave, I'll be taking almost two weeks off and look forward to the break from work.