Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Dominic's Birthday

I can't believe it's been a year since I went into the hospital and had a baby.  Although, I must say that it's hard to picture myself with that huge belly I once had.  And it's weird to think that it was Dominic inside that huge belly.

Dominic's birthday was Friday and we had his party Saturday.  What a fun weekend!  The only thing I would change about the weekend would be for the rest of our family to have made it.  But we felt lucky to have Ita (Marcos' Mom) in from El Paso, Tio Tony and Tia Judi came down from Dallas, and Marcos' Dad came in from Lubbock.  Oh, Andy's girlfriend Erin came from Fort Worth too!

We spent Friday hanging out at home.  After Dominic went to bed, Emmy and I got to work on the cookies.
This is what a 1-year-old looks like.


Looks like trouble.

We hadn't made the cupcakes yet, so we gave him a piece of an ice cream sandwich for a birthday treat after dinner.

It didn't take him long to realize he loved it.

We made and decorated whales, lobsters, sea horses and starfish.  Could not have done this without Emmy!

Saturday we finished getting ready and then hung out and partied.

Black beans at lunch time. I'm not sure why he's making that face.

Dominic's Aunt Stef got him this candle holder before he was born.
He awoke from his nap to a house full of family.

Dominic and his bff, Cameron.

He forgot he was wearing the hat.

Gia came after her nap.

Looks like he was checking out her teeth.

And the flowers on her shoes.

Gianna and Dominic. Don't they sound like two little Italian kids?

Time to sing!

Please insert cupcake into my mouth. Thank you.

Love that face!

Don't touch my cupcake.

I can't believe I didn't take a picture of the food! Marcos smoked a brisket and a pork loin.  I think they were around 11 pounds each.  He also made lots of yummy sides (with a little help from me). After Dominic went to bed we watched the longhorns win.  It was the perfect ending to a fun day.


  1. Wow those cookies are cute! I'm sure the other food was fantastic, too. Good job! Happy Birthday, D!

  2. CUTE. Did I force you to have an aquatic theme? I think the cookies are tres presh. Robert and I especially like the lobsters.

  3. You inspired the theme, and we needed inspiration. My favorite were the sea horses. The whales should have been way cuter, but I was trying to bang them all out assembly line style at 10pm so I could go to bed. The ones with thinner mouths were cuter. We couldn't put the lobsters in the goodie bags because they broke too easily.
