Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Sadly, Dominic has perfected the fake cry.  Check out the crying-to-perfectly-fine transition he does in this video. Also note Emmy's no-nonsense response in the background.

This is an old favorite of mine that I saw on my phone and wanted to share.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Berry Smoothie

Emmy and I shared a Costco berry smoothie with Dominic today.  He loved it. There are two things I love about this video. 1) The part where he taps the side of the cup as if to help the flow of smoothie through the straw; and 2) the part where he signs "more, please, thank you" in rapid succession. 

Oh, and I also like the part where I ask if he likes it, and he shakes his head no while saying "more more more more more."

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sunday Play Date

Dominic had a play date last Sunday with his former nanny sharer, Cameron.  Cameron's friend Emme came too.  Dominic is about 6 weeks older than Cameron and she is about 6 weeks older than Emme.  It was our first time at this playground. The swings were a hit, but his favorite thing seemed to be the gravel.

Swinging with Aunt Emmy before the girls arrived. He immediately started doing that backwards-forwards lean thing that builds momentum while swinging. Must be instinct!

Cameron brought her wagon.
She was obsessed with his water cup.
Getting back up in unison.

I think Dominic felt compelled to taste the gravel after watching the girls do it.  He wasn't impressed.

He spent a lot of time putting gravel on the slide. Good thing it was a quiet day at the park.

I admit I contributed a huge handful to that pile.

Climbing through the tubes to get to the slide.

Found a big rock!
One last swing before we left.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas San Diego Style

We flew on Christmas Eve morning and the airport was not bad!

Dominic loved watching cars and airplanes at Yiayia's house.

One of the first planes we saw was the Shamu plane! This also shows off the zoom lens Marcos got me for my camera.

And lots of regular Southwest planes.

Mom's new Ford Focus Wagon!

The Gerows really went all out decorating this year.  The house looked great!

Breakfast on Christmas morning.

He didn't get the stocking concept and only pulled out the top item, with help.

Running away from Dada with a cookie Uncle Nick made.

Moved to his chair because he didn't want to give up that cookie.

Sharing with Aunt Stef.

We all got tissue paper crowns in our stockings.  Some of us got sling shot animals.

Waiting for Mo to arrive so we can open presents.

Dominic got to open one since it was almost nap time.

He needed lots of encouragement.

Showing his audience on the couch that he got a Veggie Tales DVD!

After all the gifts were open, Mo installed her new license plate frames. 

Marcos having some of Aunt Nancy's famous egg dish.

Watching 'Dominic the Donkey' on you tube.

Trial run on setting up the tripod.

Traditional Christmas photo.

Looking at the backyard (chickens?) with Mr. Austin.

Mother and Son - lovely.

I think Emmy or Steffi took this one.