Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sunday Play Date

Dominic had a play date last Sunday with his former nanny sharer, Cameron.  Cameron's friend Emme came too.  Dominic is about 6 weeks older than Cameron and she is about 6 weeks older than Emme.  It was our first time at this playground. The swings were a hit, but his favorite thing seemed to be the gravel.

Swinging with Aunt Emmy before the girls arrived. He immediately started doing that backwards-forwards lean thing that builds momentum while swinging. Must be instinct!

Cameron brought her wagon.
She was obsessed with his water cup.
Getting back up in unison.

I think Dominic felt compelled to taste the gravel after watching the girls do it.  He wasn't impressed.

He spent a lot of time putting gravel on the slide. Good thing it was a quiet day at the park.

I admit I contributed a huge handful to that pile.

Climbing through the tubes to get to the slide.

Found a big rock!
One last swing before we left.