Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Birthday Videos

Here are a couple of videos we took of D's first reaction to his backyard birthday toys.  The first one is his radio flyer 500 from Mama and Dada.  Notice how he showed no hesitation before hopping on and taking his first ride?  He had watched kids on YouTube play with this and similar toys.  I think this video could be in an advertisement labeled "PERSEVERANCE."    I really do admire the kid's spirit.

And the next one is the new slide from Ita!  My video skills aren't great, but I think it captures his excitement.  I like how he says "woah!"

And lastly, here is a pic of the kids at school having a cupcake for Dominic's birthday.  The teachers and I sang to him.  Dominic and the other kids kind of just acted like it was any other snack time and waited for their cupcake.

We were supposed to have cupcakes on Monday around lunch time, right after I brought Dominic back from his 2-year well child visit with the doctor.  That plan went out the window when he had a low fever at his appointment and we decided to keep him home the rest of the day.  His ears, throat, lungs etc checked out great but then the doctor mentioned he could have a stomach bug that's been going around. (I believe that was prompted by a poop comment I made, which I will not get in to here since some of my readers may not be comfortable with poop). She gave me a handout and prepared me for what to do if he started having severe diarrhea and vomiting.  Yikes!  He got his nasal spray flu vaccine before we left, and she said that could cause some mild flu symptoms. Sure enough, his temp went up to 101.8 Monday evening.  But he had no other symptoms.  Tuesday morning he had no fever and was acting completely normal, so I took him to school and he's been fine ever since.  The doctor was even telling me that we should do a ton of hand washing because the stomach bug would be no fun for me while pregnant.  How do you not share germs with your two-year-old??  Luckily we're all feeling good and it looks like we may have dodged that bullet.  (Knock on wood!!)

In other news from the doctor's office, he was 34 inches and weighed 27lbs, 3 ounces.  His percentiles were almost exactly the same as 6 months ago.  25th height, 55th weight, and 85th head.  I was thinking he must be a little pudgier than the average kid his age, but surely his big head adds a lot to the weight.  They did tell us he should switch to 1% or skim milk now.  Doesn't that seem a little drastic?  My inclination is to just go down to 2%.


  1. So cute! How long do you think till he's riding the Radio Flyer down the other (higher?) slide? ;-)
    And yes, that does seem drastic, from whole to 1% or skim!! At least break him into it gently?

  2. Love the videos! He seems very pleased.

  3. He is so excited about Ita's slide! How freaking cute!
    Why can't you keep him on whole milk? He is not getting fat! Is she just worried about childhood obesity?

    1. If I am defensive, it may be because Josh and I drink whole milk! Lol? :D

  4. After two years the fat isn't supposed to be as important for brain development? Is that it? But he surely isn't overweight, especially if you allow for his big brain ;-)

  5. I have to start with a HUGE Thank You Bets!! These videos make such a big difference when far away from home:). Dominic looks so happy!

    I love that Ya Ya has already seen the potential landmine ahead...radio flyer+higher slide. She knows her stuff:)

    And Em's comment about childhood obesity for some reason made me laugh REALLY loud at work. Everyone looked over at me:) I think it made me remember that Sat. Night live skit where Chris Farley plays an obese child and destroys the talk show set:)

    Thanks again! GREAT post!

    1. Ha! That is hilarious, Tony. I was thinking of the time Betsy demanded "Do you want childhood obesity??" and Dominic promptly said "Ah."
