Wow, I am not getting many blog posts up this year. I'm noticing most the pictures I take are just at home since I don't usually bother taking my camera when we go places. I didn't even take it on our trip to Miami this month! And I rarely transfer cell phone pictures to the computer - I need to work on that. So here are more pictures of Dominic and Christina (plus a special curly-haired guest!) around the house and in the backyard:
She took her laptop outside to enjoy a nice day while working. |
He's had a haircut since then and looks like a different kid. I think I like it long like this! |
They were being surprisingly smiley and cooperative on the new living room chair. |
Christy making him work for goldfish. |
I guess this was a mouth-to-mouth goldfish transfer. |
I love this series - she takes herself very seriously! |
Some more from the same Chayrez visit featured in my last post. |
All kids like to climb on this bed. It seems to be irresistible... even for kids that see it everyday. |
Things got a little rough and Robin loved being part of it. |
Robin probably taking notes for her future big sister role. |
Christy kept doing this hands free slither movement off the bed - Steffi and I were cracking up. |
And then Dominic got on top of her to slither off the bed together. |
The End!
Love it! Great pics.