Monday, March 30, 2015

Tennis Update

Dominic has been playing tennis for less than three months and he's already showing so much improvement. I can't believe how good he is.  Here's a video from today's lesson:

Christy has been to almost every lesson and keeps herself entertained by eating crackers, wandering around, picking up stray balls, playing with the water bottle, looking at bugs, etc.  When it's time for Dominic to collect balls, she sings the clean-up song and helps him.  She calls the coach "guy" and will say "Look guy, I'm cleaning up."  Maybe she'll be next.

Friday, March 20, 2015

February in Pictures

The kids playing with these neat shapes - Christmas gift from my parents.

This pic and all below were taken with the 50mm lens I got for my birthday.

He wanted a picture with his favorite bath toy - a blue medicine cup. Christy plays with a clear one.  They love them.
She's been making all kinds of silly faces lately.

The lens is great in low light situations.

I have a bunch of good March pics coming soon...