Sunday, May 10, 2015

(Mostly) March Pictures

I'm going to make up for not blogging much by posting a bajillion pictures.  These are from March and a little into April.

Christy started wearing uniforms in early March after moving up to the Toddler 2 classroom.  We had pretty cold weather for several weeks after, hence the tights and long sleeves.

Pretending to go to bed on the coffee table.
Tummy surfing on the coffee table?
A quick stop by Ita's new house after Dominic's haircut.

The Bradford Pear Tree in our backyard looks amazing about 2-3 weeks out of the year.

The middle of a bridge is as good a place as any to plop down and eat your goldfish.

He fell asleep on our bed one day after a failed nap.  He's still about 50/50 on naps.

Christy fell asleep on the couch one day after not napping.  She naps most days, and this is the first time she ever fell asleep on the couch so I had to take pictures.

I found her alone in her room accessorizing.

Classic Christy - sucking her thumb with hair pulled down over her left eye.

Working on his Star Wars themed math workbook, age 6-7 years.  Some of it is too advanced.

Forgot these on the bluebonnet post.

Shot on manual mode. I'm so proud to finally be learning how to use my camera.