Saturday, June 25, 2011

Pistachio Pork Chops

On Tuesday, Marcos made pistachio crusted pork chops in green mole sauce, served with brown rice and black beans. They were Dee-Lish-Us. This was my first time tasting green mole.  It does not beat regular mole in my book, but I did really like it.  The pistachio crust was a first for me too. I liked how it wasn't too crunchy - I assume from being baked. All in all, a very good meal that I hope he'll make again soon.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Playing with Blocks

The other day we were building towers for Dominic to knock down. I was having fun trying to capture them falling on camera. Dominic was a little distracted (crib skirt, argghhh) but I think he enjoyed himself. 

Hi, Mom.
These rings are fun.
Kisses from Dad!

Oh, a tower. Wham!

New one with red on top.

La, la
La, di-da, di-da
Woah, when did that get there?!
You can't tell, but it is falling. Somehow he knocked out the 2nd-4th blocks from the bottom.

And this last one he caught on to pretty quickly.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day 2011

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there. My Dad, Mike Gerow, is nearly perfect in my opinion. I know he would refute that if he got the chance, but I'm pretty sure all his kids agree.

Marcos celebrated his first FD today!  His Mom was in town and we went to brunch with Tony and Migs and Emmy. I was looking at pictures of him and Dominic, and there are some really great ones. Here are some of my faves:

His first bottle

Checking out the Christmas lights

Hey, whatever works

Christmas morning



After only 9 months, Marcos is clearly a pro.  These two boys are inseparable.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Rolling Around

I'm so glad we put a big, plush rug in Dominic's room, because he spends a lot of time happily rolling around on it. Inevitably, he ends up under the crib yanking the crib skirt down. Arggh! Between him and the cats, I'm constantly rehanging that thing. You can see he is really thinking about crawling.

I'm off to NYC tomorrow so it's going to be another slow month for blogging. Maybe Emmy will do another guest post!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

San Diego

Emmy, Dominic and I visited San Diego this past weekend to attend Grandpa and Grandma's 25th anniversary party. Here are my favorite pictures from the trip. It's a good thing Jackie was shooting the event because I did a terrible job.  I didn't even get one of Milt and Joan!

Baby Einstein with Uncle Bob

Mom was in charge of the name tags for the party

Going to see Great-Grandpa Milt!

Robert's impressive card house

Waiting for Aunt Stef to get off work

Having a snack while waiting for Aunt Stef

There she is!

Back home with the Aunties

Bath in the kitchen sink

Garrett came over to share a babysitter for the party

Admiral Kidd Club

Robert & Dad helping carry the harp equipment

What a view outside the party room! (Chairs not for our event)

Hors d'Ĺ“uvre patio

Pretty Emmy

Mike, Rob & Rob

The lovely harpist. I heard her tell Uncle George she usually doesn't talk while she plays.

Old codgers at the bar.

Happy Anniversary, Milt & Joan!

L to R: Uncle Steve, Hans, Aunt Paula, Tina, Resa, Uncle Jim, Jackie, Alex, Dad, Jeff

Resa & Alex!

Plane taking off

L to R: Frances, Unlce Dave, Uncle Steve, Uncle George, Jackie

Brunch at Country Waffles on Memorial Day

We had to keep feeding him mum-mums to keep him happy

Aunt Sue, the Baby Whisperer

Monkey Boy