Saturday, March 26, 2016

Bluebonnets 2016

Bluebonnets popped up early this year - I first saw them along the highway in late February.  We finally got out and took some pictures today and I think they are my best yet.  Thank you Marcos for the 50mm lens, YiaYia for the homemade candy for bribery, and Fairfield Inn & Suites for the lovely field of flowers.  Tons of Indian Paintbrush this year too!

The sillyness is escalating....

Aaaaaand POW!


  1. These photos are great! I used to work with your Dad so have been following your blog since Dominic was born. I love the blue bonnet back drop. The kids are just the attempted kiss!!

  2. These photos are good, but the subjects are so cute, it's hard to say who should get the credit! <3
