Sunday, June 12, 2011

Rolling Around

I'm so glad we put a big, plush rug in Dominic's room, because he spends a lot of time happily rolling around on it. Inevitably, he ends up under the crib yanking the crib skirt down. Arggh! Between him and the cats, I'm constantly rehanging that thing. You can see he is really thinking about crawling.

I'm off to NYC tomorrow so it's going to be another slow month for blogging. Maybe Emmy will do another guest post!


  1. Oh my gosh, Marcos walks by and belches 13 seconds in and Dominic looks toward the door of his room.

  2. Sweet! He does look like he's getting into launching position - look out!

  3. Emmy and I like how he maneuvers his butt around the leg of the crib there at the end.

  4. That is so cute! He could win an award for purposeful rolling!
