Monday, May 28, 2012

School Update

Dominic ended last week doing much better at school - thank goodness! I called to see how he was doing around 10-11am each morning for the first four days.  Mon-Wed I was told he cried off and on, so we went and got him before noon each of those days.  On Thurs, they thought he was doing much better and should try staying for nap time.  They got him to rest quietly, but he never fell asleep.  My Dad and Emmy went to get him around 2pm and they were told Dominic got really sad after nap time, and cried each time the classroom door opened and we weren't there.  I worked from home Friday, so I got to take him to school in the morning.  His classmates were outside when I arrived, and he was eager to join them on the playground.  He started to whine a little when I said goodbye.  He ran over to me and I hugged and kissed him, and then he happily said goodbye and ran back to play.  I went to get him at 2pm, and he was passed out on his cot.  All the other kids were awake and playing. The teacher said he slept really well and she couldn't believe he was still sleeping.  He awoke within a few minutes and was happy to see me.

I hope next week continues to go well. The teacher said that Tuesday could be a little bit of an adjustment again.   We talked about school several times this weekend, and he always seemed like he wanted to go.  He also got excited when we drove past it and he saw it out the car window.

Thanks for the prayers and well wishes.  I'm amazed last week improved as much as it did.