Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Command Center

Some of you may remember this contraption from Dominic's infancy.  Christina has graduated to use of the Baby Einstein Musical Motion Activity Jumper.  I dubbed this thing the Command Center because it contains all the gadgets a baby needs to run his or her household, and even teaches a few Spanish and French words along the way.

(First time) Where did you put me, Mom!?!
This must be cool if big brother wants up.

Wow, lights and music!
(Feet not touching ground on lowest setting. Little Shrimp.)

Now, how did he do that?
Oh. Thank you, big brother.

Dominic so kindly filled the toy tray for her too.
What else could a gal need?
It was just a little too much the next night before bed.  But it made a good lounge chair.


  1. She's getting so big! And I love how big brother is showing her the ropes:)

  2. Love how she's following in his footsteps! Or seat, or whatever ;-)
