Saturday, April 9, 2011

"If you're going to do something, do it right."

This is one of Marcos' mottoes. He applies it without fail while on vacation (budget? why would we have a budget?) and, more often, in the kitchen.  So in this post I bring to you burgers and hot dogs, Marcos-style. Please note we did not have the burgers and dogs in the same meal, although we did have a side of cole slaw both times.

Burger: toasted whole wheat bun, cheddar cheese, smashed avocado, two all-beef patties, tomato slices, onions caramelized in bacon grease and balsamic vinegar, roasted poblano peppers, and mustard.

On the left you have the Chicago style dog with pickles, relish, tomato and onion. On the right you have the New York style dog with caramelized onions and sauerkraut. I believe the buns are actually hoagie sandwich rolls.

Marcos admittedly was inspired by a Sonic commercial touting their new hot dog menu.


  1. Yum.
    Nice photos!
    Mouth-watering, even.

  2. I was there for those great burgers, but sad I missed 'hot dog' night! Looks great!

  3. I am starting to think anything with sauerkraut is amazing!
