Saturday, August 25, 2012

Love you, Mama

I just blogged below, but this deserves it's own post.  Today Dominic said "Love you, Mama" for the first time and it was the cutest thing I've ever heard.  Well... right up there with those soft little coos he made sometime around 6 weeks of age.  Definitely two of the best sounds in the world.

He has matured exponentially in the last month or so.  His speech has already improved a lot since the items I listed in the August 6 blog.  His comprehension also seems to be increasing dramatically.  I went to Denver last Sunday and he did very well with me gone for 4 days, though he did search the house for me after school each day.  I really think he understood when we told him I was leaving for work.  Since I've been back we've been talking about how he was sad when I left and then he was "happy!" when I came home. 


  1. I just read the August 6 post again and two things came to mind. 1) He now says "no more monkey jumping bed." He likes to jump on the couch or on his mattress and say this. He also says it when he stands up on a kitchen chair or on his Digger, or anywhere he knows he shouldn't be standing. 2) For some reason he went from saying "yeah" most the time, to saying "yes" on most occasions. Sometimes he still slips and says "ah."

  2. I miss "ah" but the "yes" was pretty cute too. Josh and I say "Ah" to each other sometimes for yes. :)
